KiCad Like A Pro – Fundamentals and Projects (E-book)


Getting started with the world’s best open-source PCB tool

The latest iteration of KiCad, the world’s best free-to-use Printed Circuit Board tool, is packed with features usually found only in expensive commercial CAD tools. This modern, cross-platform application suite built around schematic and design editors, with auxiliary applications is a stable and mature PCB tool. KiCad 8 is a perfect fit for electronic engineers and makers.

Here are the most significant improvements and features in KiCad 8, both over and under the hood:

  • Modern user interface, completely redesigned from earlier versions
  • Improved and customizable electrical and design rule checkers
  • Theme editor allowing you to customize KiCad on your screen
  • Ability to import projects from Eagle, CADSTART, and more
  • Python scripting API
  • Improved integrated SPICE circuit simulator
  • Multi-sheet schematics
  • Filters define selectable elements
  • Enhanced interactive router helps you draw single tracks and differential pairs with precision
  • New or enhanced tools to draw tracks, measure distances, tune track lengths, etc.
  • Advanced interactive router
  • Built-in bill of materials generator
  • Realistic ray-tracing capable 3D viewer
  • Customizable teardrops
  • Plug-in manager for quick installation of themes, libraries and functionalities such as autorouters and BOM generators

This book will teach you to use KiCad through a practical approach. It will help you become productive quickly and start designing your own boards. Example projects illustrate the basic features of KiCad, even if you have no prior knowledge of PCB design.

The author describes the entire workflow from schematic entry to the intricacies of finalizing the files for PCB production and offers sound guidance on the process. Further full-fledged projects, of incremental difficulty, will be presented in a second book, together with a variety of advanced recipes.


Getting started with the world’s best open-source PCB tool The latest iteration of KiCad, the world’s best free-to-use Printed Circuit Board... Weiterlesen

€ 44,95 inkl. MwSt.
Mitglieder € 40,46


    SKU: 20929
    ISBN: 978-3-89576-627-5
    Autor: Peter Dalmaris
    Sprache: English
    Seiten: 590
    Format: PDF


    Getting started with the world’s best open-source PCB tool

    The latest iteration of KiCad, the world’s best free-to-use Printed Circuit Board tool, is packed with features usually found only in expensive commercial CAD tools. This modern, cross-platform application suite built around schematic and design editors, with auxiliary applications is a stable and mature PCB tool. KiCad 8 is a perfect fit for electronic engineers and makers.

    Here are the most significant improvements and features in KiCad 8, both over and under the hood:

    • Modern user interface, completely redesigned from earlier versions
    • Improved and customizable electrical and design rule checkers
    • Theme editor allowing you to customize KiCad on your screen
    • Ability to import projects from Eagle, CADSTART, and more
    • Python scripting API
    • Improved integrated SPICE circuit simulator
    • Multi-sheet schematics
    • Filters define selectable elements
    • Enhanced interactive router helps you draw single tracks and differential pairs with precision
    • New or enhanced tools to draw tracks, measure distances, tune track lengths, etc.
    • Advanced interactive router
    • Built-in bill of materials generator
    • Realistic ray-tracing capable 3D viewer
    • Customizable teardrops
    • Plug-in manager for quick installation of themes, libraries and functionalities such as autorouters and BOM generators

    This book will teach you to use KiCad through a practical approach. It will help you become productive quickly and start designing your own boards. Example projects illustrate the basic features of KiCad, even if you have no prior knowledge of PCB design.

    The author describes the entire workflow from schematic entry to the intricacies of finalizing the files for PCB production and offers sound guidance on the process. Further full-fledged projects, of incremental difficulty, will be presented in a second book, together with a variety of advanced recipes.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 3 reviews
    Régis S.B.

    Oui, excellence.

    À la fois pour KiCad, que je pratique avec gourmandise depuis la version 6 (avec bien d'autres logiciels auparavant).

    Ainsi que pour la qualité sans équivalent du texte issu d'un maître en la matière.
    Clarté, didactisme, et j'irai jusqu'à dire "dissection" attentive des moindres aspects dans toutes les phases de la conception.

    J'ai acquis, sous forme de pdf, les 2 tomes "Fundamentals and Projects" et "Advanced projects and recipes", dont la qualité intrinsèque est visible - à ce titre, et contrairement à un autres avis, il n'y a aucune image en noir & blanc).
    Ces ouvrages ne se lisent pas, ils se savourent avec effervescence (parfois difficile à juguler - ne brûlons pas les étapes !).

    Mon éternel petit regret est que, malgré que je lise l'anglais quasi couramment, j'aurai bien apprécié une version française, ce qui me permettrait de me concentrer d'avantage sur le contenu, que sur sa forme.

    Richard M.
    KiCad Books - Printed versus E-Book

    Great product. Only wished that I had purchased the printed book versus the E-Book. There are a lot of color coded pictures and you miss out on a lot of information if printed in black and white. Next time I will order the printed book.

    Engin E.
    Sehr gut

    Alles OK, ich bin bestens zufrieden.


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